Private Individual Therapy
At times, life can feel overwhelming… a sense of feeling stuck, lost, confused, or feeling as if we don’t have the courage to be our true self can creep in, causing feelings of anxiety and depression. This can leave us wondering, “Is this really all there is to life?”
On the other hand, past events can create pain and disturbances, which block us from being able to create the life that is meant for us. Situations arise that can be difficult to navigate. Some of the ways we cope with life may no longer serve us and could begin to cause issues in our relationships and present life situation. We may begin to feel empty, feeling as if life has no meaning.
Reaching out and stepping into the therapy room requires bravery. It takes courage to be vulnerable. It takes strength to release pain and begin to heal. Therapy is not about weakness or sickness. It is about reigniting the feeling of being alive: experiencing wonder, enjoyment, and satisfaction in life. Facing yourself through this process is the way of the inner warrior, returning to the root of self. It is a journey into the self and then back into the world changed and transformed, with new perspectives and new ways of being.
Life is about cycles, birth and death, youth and maturity, the four seasons, inner life and outer life. Many times throughout our lives we will face these cycles and some will be more difficult to navigate than others. During these times, it can be helpful to have a guide to navigate through the emotions, logic, and fear. In our work, we will follow the path that leads to your inner wise guidance system - Intuition.
People seek out a counselor or therapist for a variety of reasons. Therapy can benefit almost anyone. Some people come to therapy seeking help with anxiety, depression, excessive worry, communication problems, poor coping skills, traumatic experiences, parenting difficulties, chronic pain, and grief and loss.
People also come to therapy seeking increased life satisfaction, self-exploration, a willingness to look inward, a thirst for a deeper meaning and purpose in life, a wish to hone their artistic talents, or a guide to a more spiritual and meaningful path.
There is Hope! The brain and nervous system have the ability to create new neural pathways throughout our lives. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks! New pathways are created through new experiences, new behaviors, and new ways of thinking and feeling emotions. In therapy, we will create an environment to cultivate new pathways, traversing old, unhelpful systems.

Intuitive & Empathic Individuals- Highly Sensitive People
I specialize in working with highly sensitive people of all ages. Highly sensitive people are intuitive and empathic. Having these gifts means you feel things deeply and have a rich and intricate inner life. You reflect more than others about the world, the meaning of life, or your line of work. You react more to the emotions of others and often know what you are feeling far more than others do. It can also mean you suffer from anxiety, depression, a lack of confidence, mood swings, procrastination, loneliness, and perfectionism.
We live in a fear-based society full of competition, perfectionism, and the need to achieve "success." Being a highly creative, sensitive, empathic, or intuitive person can put extreme pressure on the personality, causing one to become stuck in paralyzing states of being, making it uncomfortable to be in our own bodies and minds. I inspire individuals to connect with and balance states of consciousness to create meaningful work through Flow, acknowledging and challenging the Inner Critic, and tuning into and receiving feedback from (and through) various States of Awareness.
Ways to know you are a highly sensitive person:
As a highly sensitive person, violent TV shows and movies, unfairness, bullying, social injustice, or other disturbing events distress you. Performing tasks while being observed can be difficult. You startle easily and may be sensitive to pain and hunger. You are slow at making decisions, preferring to have “a little more time,” but often make very good decisions. You need to withdraw during busy days, into bed or a darkened room where you can have privacy and relief from the stress. You may need more sleep and downtime than your friends and family members. When you were a child people may have said you are “too sensitive” or "dramatic."
You may have a heightened awareness of any changes in the environment, including the way others are feeling. You become empathic with those around you, connecting with their mood, energy level, thoughts, and feelings. You think in metaphors and connect or find a relationship to things that others would not have thought of. You feel in tune with works of art, music, and are highly attuned to inner body sensations. You notice scents, tastes, sounds, fabrics, and lighting in your environment. You enjoy connecting with deeper truths in life. You contemplate the hidden meanings in your environment.
Your senses are heightened and you have an increased awareness of subtleties in the environment. You are more easily and appropriately moved to tears of joy, gratitude or relief, and equally moved to laughter whether it be silliness or subtle irony. You have a talent for knowing what needs to be changed in an environment to make others more comfortable. You may be known for your innovative ideas. You exhibit personal insight and have a sense of long-term consequences leading to an attuned attention to detail.
Strong smells, rough fabrics, loud noises, and bright lights may easily overwhelm you. You get rattled when you have a lot to do in a short period of time and may get overwhelmed easily. You experience overstimulation and burn out due to the amount of incoming information; you begin to feel like you can’t handle anymore. However, in a peaceful and calm environment, you process effectively.
If you saw yourself in many of these descriptions, it is likely that you too are a highly sensitive person. Being highly sensitive is Not a mental health disorder. It is a normal trait and is seen in 15-20% of the population. Although having this trait is normal, it can be misunderstood by those around you because it is not mainstream. It is a gift and can be nurtured to work for you, rather than causing distress and misunderstanding. I offer private counseling and psychotherapy sessions with an understanding of the strengths and challenges to empathic, intuitive, and/or sensitive people of all ages. All are welcome. Call me to find out if I would be a good fit for you.